What is a software development kit (SDK)?

Introduction (SDK)

A Mobile SDK is a software package that comprises a collection of tools that can be used to create platform-specific mobile applications and to add new features to existing mobile apps. SDK resources include libraries, manuals, code examples, instructions, and APIs.

SDK stands for “Software Development Kit.” It serves as a form of shortcut during the development of a mobile application. As a result, developers may create more complicated capabilities without requiring extensive subject expertise. An SDK also saves time and money by delivering a pre-built solution rather than requiring a professional to build code from scratch each time a new implementation is required.

What is a software development kit?

An SDK, often known as a devkit or software development kit, is a program created by makers of operating systems, hardware platforms, programming languages, software, or apps. It gives a suite of tools to developers to help them build apps more efficiently and successfully.

An SDK can be used in conjunction with hardware or digital software to assist developers in creating new applications that can connect with current programs or apps. It can also assist consumers in navigating these items more effectively.

An SDK is intended for usage within a particular system, on a particular operating system, or with a particular programming language. For example, an iOS SDK is required to create an iOS app; an Android SDK is required to create an Android app. The SDK is platform-dependent.

An SDK might include a range of components to aid in the construction of applications, as well as a framework to operate inside. Typically, the SDK will include the following:

  • Libraries
  • Documentation
  • Compiler
  • APIs
  • Drivers
  • Code samples
  • Network protocols
  • Editors
  • Testing/analyst tools
  • Runtime/development environments
  • Processes
  • Guide

How does an SDK work?

An SDK, unlike an API, does more than only act as a communication link between two distinct systems. It is a bundle that contains all of the materials required to add new components, including code libraries, tutorials, and APIs. SDKs, in general, will simplify the construction of online and mobile app functions through out-of-the-box building components. The procedure for utilizing an SDK is straightforward and is outlined below:

  • Get the SDK for your application. It will usually come with thorough instructions and examples.
  • Add the SDK to an IDE – Integrated Development Environment – and use the kit’s features.
  • Follow the instructions and have fun coding.

SDK examples

Facebook SDK

The Facebook devkit enables applications to give the option to register and log in using a social network account. The SDK also enables the integration of games and the addition of marketing functions.


The Doubleclick, or Mobile Ads SDK, owned by Google, allows developers to build ads such as banners, interactive movies, and other formats and make cash from them. The software may even manage the advertising based on the intended demographic.


The Unity platform enables the production of 2D and 3D games, as well as interactive experiences. It is today one of the most well-known platforms in the world, providing a sort of learning center with a community of aficionados eager to share their knowledge of the tool.

Maps provided by Google

Many applications that require maps, such as food delivery or ride-hailing apps, include the Google Maps SDK.

Cloud Messaging using Firebase

Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) is a cross-platform push notification system that works with iOS, Android, and Web apps. It’s popular among mobile app developers.

What are the advantages of using an SDK?

There are several advantages to adopting an SDK, and we will highlight a few of them below:

An SDK simplifies the life of a developer.

A well-designed software development kit will provide developers with clear instructions, pre-written code, APIs, and a variety of other features required for a productive working environment. In general, utilizing an SDK rather than writing from scratch makes app development easier.

An SDK lowers the cost of software development.

A software engineer’s annual pay in the United States can reach six figures. However, developer time is limited and must be carefully allocated to high-value tasks. An SDK will provide out-of-the-box parts to save integration time and avoid developers having to code every thirty-party tool from scratch. Most of the time, it will also have extensive documentation and APIs to boost development productivity.

An SDK reduces time to market.

Reduced engineering efforts and improved development productivity result in a shorter time to market.

The sooner a product hits the market, the sooner it receives honest feedback from users, and the sooner the sales cycle begins.

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An SDK improves the user experience.

Some SDKs will include ready-to-use UI – User Interface components to improve overall user experience. The UI blocks may be customized or not, and in general, they will assist developers in providing excellent UX to end users.

An SDK allows for brand control.

Another advantage of developing SDKs is the ability to govern how third-party developers engage with a company’s brand. SDKs allow businesses to develop design patterns based on their brand qualities while avoiding misuse by third-party apps.

An SDK boosts security.

Security is especially important for financial transactions in any application. Payment processors will offer SDKs with inbuilt security features such as APIs, 3D authentication, and so on.

How an SDK benefits businesses

Providing a software development kit can provide several advantages for businesses. These are some of the benefits of your app:

  • More marketable:
    Having an SDK allows for simpler integration with clients’ existing tech stack. This can help you promote your SDK more effectively, close business faster, and reduce the sales cycle.
  • Faster deployment:
    Because developers rarely have the opportunity to build everything from scratch, an SDK can help make software development more efficient. The SDK can supply the tools, allowing them to avoid starting from scratch on each component of the program.

Creating a software development kit for your product can assist in bridging the gap with a customer’s app and freeing up the developer’s time for actual app production rather than coding for each component of functionality. This can help the app reach the market faster.

  • Increased reach: The more value your product and subsequent SDK provide for interoperability, the more exposure you will receive as additional tools seek to interface with your product.
  • Risk management: SDK offers you the ability to guarantee that vital functions are safeguarded and untampered with. It also allows you to customize how your product interfaces with other apps and how the user interface looks.

Why are SDKs important?

SDKs are used by developers to create apps without having to write code from scratch. SDKs facilitate complicated connections by easing common processes such as establishing authorization signatures or processing SMS messages in native languages or platforms. They also assist with the development of services that perform properly on a given platform or with a specific supplier.

Developing services that work on particular platforms or with specific providers is also made easier with software development kits. A programmer cannot do this if he or she does not have access to an SDK. The software cannot be designed to function in every environment.

Android developers, for example, cannot create Android apps without the Android SDK.

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